Saturday, November 27, 2010

I'm Confused

We've just met
Yet I open up to you
In a way I've not done before

This feeling is strange
And unexpected,
Though not unwelcome.
I'm quite confused.
By how giddy i feel
When you text me.
By how easily
You make me blush.
I've never felt this way before
And you're to blame.
I'm so confused.
Am I a friend to you?
Or am I more?
Pray Tell?
You say you want to see me
I want to say the same
But I am too afraid.
We've only known each other
Not for a month
Yet I have this feeling
About you.
And I'm confused.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Things You Missed

Field Shows,
All-Important events
In their own right
Things I want to share
Things you missed.
You may not realize it,
You may not know it:
When you're not there
It hurts.
I hide it
I don't show it.
You're busy,
You're stresed.
I get that.
But these All-Important things
Are the things you missed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Seasons are Changing

leaves starting to fall
they break off the branch,
float gracefully to the ground.
Fall is here.
Soon the trees are bare,
the air crisp
White crystals float
gingerly down to earth.
Enveloping all in a sheet of white.
The Seasons are Changing.